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  • Remote Controlled 4G Mobile Phone Jammer DHL Free Shipping

    Remote Controlled 4G Mobile Phone Jammer DHL Free Shipping

    Product Description Seldom there are mobile phone signal jammers that designed only to cut off the signals of the 4G and as now people have the need so just here this Remote Controlled 4G Mobile Phone Jammer comes to keep in pace with people’s requirements and the technology.Firstly this 4G mobile phone jammer is a desktop signal jammer so that it has been designed with the high quality cooling system and in such kind of condition this desktop 4G mobile phone jammer can reach the 24/7 nonstop working goal easily. Besides, this 4G mobile phone signal blocker has been designed with the remote control, via which people can turn on or turn off the jammer easily as well. Thus as designed with 3 antennas so that this remote controlled 4G jammer can cut off the signals of 2300MHz-2400MHz, 2550MHz-2620MHz, and 2620MHz-2660MHz at the same time. And although the high output power of this desktop remote controlled 4G phone jammer is 4W, the jamming distance of this desktop remote controlled 4G phone jammer is reach up to 15 meters depending on the signal strength in the detailed place.And for place such as the conference room, auditoriums, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, and hospital etc and places where the mobile phones are prohibited and need quiet condition such as the government, military, finance, security, police and command center etc.SpecificationsIsolating Signal Bandwidth:  -4G1(2300MHz-2400MHz)  -4G2(2550MHz-2620MHz)  -4G3(2620MHZ-2660MHZTotal Power output:4WPower supply: AC adapter (AC110-240V DC5V)Semidiameter of interception:Up to 15 m(-75dBm)Antenna: 3pcs ( Please fix the antenna follow the mark in the unit)Size:162mm(L)×110mm(W)×30mm(H)Weight:700gAccessories3 x Antennas1 x AD/DC Adapter1 x Remote ControllerThis product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 24 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammers.Important Notes for Jamming Distance: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.Important Notes for Portable Jammers with No Cooling Fan: Do not use the jammer when it is charging, or it will burn the jammer as it has no built-in fan. If because of this factor due to the broken of the jammer, the customer will lose the authority of free repairation .

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    cell phone jammer c 50

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